DTA requests tenders for marketplace benchmarking services
27 May 2021
We have released a request for tender (RFT) for the supply of benchmarking services for the Telecommunications Marketplace (TMP).

The intent of this contract is to provide routine and ad-hoc benchmarking services for the TMP categories, initially including:
- data carriage services
- internet carriage services
- fixed line voice carriage services.
The successful tenderer may have the opportunity to provide benchmarking services for other ICT products and services supplied under the whole of government marketplaces and panels.
We have included more information in the RFT documentation available to download on Austender.
If you have any questions, contact us at telcoTM@dta.gov.au
For media enquiries email us at media@dta.gov.au
For other enquiries email us at info@dta.gov.au